The incidence of under-nutrition and nutritional anemia is very high
among rural pregnant population in India.Main reason being inadequate
and poor nutritional quality of diet that pregnant women consume.
Approximately 52 percent of pregnant women have haemoglobin less than 10
grams. They have multiple micro-nutrient deficiencies like folic acid,
calcium, vitamin D, Vitamin B complex etc, which are essential for
optimum growth of the fetus in utero and increased demands of woman
during pregnancy and lactational period.They belong of underserved and
marginalized society. As a result of under-nutrition, these women face
multiple complications during pregnancy and labour and in puerperium.
(Anaemia, Pre-eclampsia, Urinary tract infection, recurrent abortions
,fetal congenital abnormalities ,preterm labour, intrauterine growth
restriction, accidental haemorrhage, postpartum haemorrhage and low
birth weight babies).The fetal outcome is also adversely affected by
moderate to severe anaemia.
With the in kind donation received from Vitamin Angels, a non profit
organization from USA, Anaemia prevention programme is being implemented
for tribal and non tribal pregnant rural population at Pravara Rural
Hospital, Loni and its peripheral health centres located at difficult to
reach areas, where the government health facilities are scanty and
inaccessible. The pregnant women receive multi-mineral tablets free for
six months period. The distribution is being done at health facilities
and through mobile clinics and motor bike ambulances cum clinics in
remote tribal areas. The activity has improved the compliance of women
for their visits and has shown improvement in their haemoglobin status.
Over 6000 pregnant women have been benefited with this programme in two
years time. We acknowledge the support received from Centre for Social
Medicine ,Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences for helping us to reach
the remote tribal population through its outreach activities.