Department of Public health of Maharashtra state has recognized Pravara Rural Hospital, as a training site for its SAB training programme since Jan 2019.It is a 21days residential training, being carried out in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Rural medical College, Loni . With the help of college of Nursing, a team of six trainers has been formed. The trainers have undergone TOT at regional training centre Nashik. The government provides funds for the activity. Till date, twelve batches SAB (75 nurses) have been trained. The trainee are awarded certificate of course completion by government district training centre of Ahmednagar. The training comprises of “theoretical and practical modules on safe birthing practices”. The trainee use the knowledge and skills at the most peripheral level facility ie. Sub-centre, that caters preventive and primary curative services at village level. This activity has strengthened the quality of existing maternal and child health care services in the region.